Angels Baseball


Fall Development

2024 Fall Development

The Angels Fall Development Program is one that is open to any player, ages 8-12 that is interested in advancing their skills.  Players will meet once/week (Sundays) for a 90-minute session that will include a dynamic warm-up, Throwing Progression, Infield drills, a batting practice round, and instruction on situational defense.  Many parents know their kids are not getting the practice they need.   This is the opportunity your kids need.

Why enroll in the Fall Development Program

  1.  Your child plays for a Rec team and they play one game each week and has one practice each week (maybe).  And that practice is slow and offers very little reps.  
  2. Your child plays for a Travel team and they play a “tournament schedule” where they will play 3-5 games every weekend.  They may also practice once (or even twice) a week.  These are generally better practices than Rec; but again, reps are limited and instruction is lacking.  
  3. Your child focuses on a Fall sport (Soccer, Football, etc) but you want your child to get in their “baseball-reps”.  You want your child to be a multi-sport athlete (KUDDOS TO YOU!!!) but don’t want their baseball skills to sour.

Session Fee: $25/Session

Parents will be sent an invoice the day following the session(s) their child attends.